The Ultimate Guide to Exterior Painting: Tips and Tricks From Denver’s Experts

They say a good paint job is 90% preparation, and we’re here to guide you through that process, ensuring your home exterior doesn’t just look good but stands up to Denver’s unique climate. From selecting the optimal paint and prepping your surface, to the application process and maintenance, we’ve got handy tips and tricks that will save you time, reduce stress, and yield satisfying results.

But how can you be sure you’re making the right choices for your home’s exterior? Stick around, we’ll reveal the key factors that will lead you to the perfect paint job.

Understanding Denver’s Climate

When it comes to painting your home’s exterior in Denver, it’s crucial to grasp how the city’s unique climate can impact your project. Denver’s climate is semi-arid, meaning we experience low humidity and moisture levels, which are two factors that can affect paint quality.

We’ve noticed that the dry climate allows paint to dry quickly, which may seem like a good thing, but it can also lead to premature cracking and peeling. This is because the paint doesn’t have enough time to properly adhere to the surface, creating a weak bond that’s susceptible to the elements.

Denver’s high altitude also plays a significant role. The intense sun can cause the paint to fade faster, and the temperature swings between the hot days and cooler nights can cause the paint to expand and contract, leading to further damage.

Choosing the Right Paint

Given Denver’s unique climate conditions, we must pick the right paint that can withstand these elements and maintain its luster for a prolonged period. We need a paint that’s not just visually appealing, but also durable and resistant to harsh weather conditions.

When choosing exterior paint, we must consider factors like paint quality, color, and finish. High-quality paint guarantees longevity and better coverage. It’s more expensive, but it’s worth it in the long run. We recommend latex paints for their durability and ease of application.

Choosing the right color isn’t only about personal preference. It’s also about the house’s architectural style and the neighborhood’s color scheme. A good rule of thumb is to go for lighter shades as they can better resist UV radiation and maintain their color longer.

Lastly, the finish matters. Gloss and semi-gloss finishes are great for trims due to their high durability and easy-to-clean nature. Flat finishes, on the other hand, are excellent for hiding imperfections on your walls. Remember, the right paint can make or break your exterior aesthetics, so choose wisely!

Essential Preparation Steps

Before we dive into the actual painting, let’s prepare our exterior surface properly to ensure the best possible results. The first step is cleaning. We’ve got to remove any dirt, mildew, or loose paint. We can use a power washer or a stiff bristle brush for this job. Just be sure not to damage the surface.

Next, we’ll need to scrape away any remaining loose paint. Keep in mind, that we’re aiming for a smooth surface, so we don’t want any flaking paint left. Then, it’s time to sand the surface. This will smooth out any rough spots and provide a good base for the new paint to adhere to.

Lastly, we should apply a primer. This is an essential step as it helps the paint adhere better and increases the durability of the paint job. Without a primer, we might find our paint peeling or chipping prematurely.

Painting Techniques and Tips

Now that our surface is prepped and primed, let’s dive into some essential painting techniques and handy tips to get a professional-looking finish.

First, always start at the top and work your way down. This prevents dripping paint onto areas you’ve already completed.

Second, we recommend using a brush for smaller, detailed areas and a roller for larger, flat surfaces. A brush provides precision, while a roller ensures even coverage. Don’t overload your brush or roller; it’s better to apply two thin coats than one heavy one.

Third, always maintain a ‘wet edge’. To achieve this, don’t let your paint dry before you extend it with another stroke. This tactic avoids visible lines when the paint dries.

Fourth, paint in the shade when possible. Direct sunlight can cause the paint to dry too quickly, leading to lap marks.

Lastly, always clean up as you go. This means wiping up drips or spills immediately and washing your brushes or rollers at the end of each day.

Maintaining Your Exterior Paint

After investing time and effort into painting your home’s exterior, it’s crucial to know how to maintain that fresh coat to ensure it lasts for years. Maintaining your paint job doesn’t have to be difficult; regular cleaning and inspection are key.

We recommend washing your home’s exterior once a year. Use a soft brush and a gentle detergent to clean the surfaces, making sure to rinse thoroughly. This helps remove dirt and mildew that can degrade your paint over time.

Next, inspect the paintwork annually for signs of wear and tear. Look for peeling, blistering, or cracking. If you find any, it’s time for some touch-ups. Don’t procrastinate; these areas can quickly become larger problems if left unattended.

Don’t forget to check your gutters and downspouts too. If they’re not working properly, water can run down the side of your house, ruining your paint.

Lastly, consider the effects of the sun. If your house gets a lot of direct sunlight, the paint may fade more quickly. In these cases, it might be worth using paint with a higher level of UV protection.


We’ve walked you through the essential steps for exterior painting in Denver’s unique climate, from choosing the right paint to maintenance tips. Armed with this knowledge, we’re confident you can tackle your painting project like a pro.

Remember, the secret lies in preparation and choosing quality materials. And, if you ever need a helping hand, Denver’s painting experts are just a call away.